Monday, 17 November 2008

Russell Brand & Jonathon Ross

A topic which i have been quite excited to air my views on is the recent issue of Brand and Ross on Radio 2!
Being a much publicised issue in the media limelight and two characters that i like i thought it'd make a fitting post on my blog!
I really do admire Ross' success and sharp interviewing skills, he is very entertaining and can really make an interesting interview out of anyone whether it be on the radio or on television. Brand on the other hand (rhymed?!), this man in my eyes is the definition of comic genius... his sheer wit and clinical commenting makes him an extremely funny man!
Personal bias aside i really do think that the issue has been very unfair on Russell... Ross chirped into his show whilst Brand was on air and made the initial remark. Not Brand!
Although i really respect Jonathon Ross and i think the issue has been blown out of proportion i have to say the remark was out of order, the apology he has made should account for it now though after all of the drama and it's a shame to have him off the air.
Brand was a huge asset to Radio 2 in my eyes, he adds a different element to the show which really appeals to a whole new audience, one completely different to the stereotypical older ages!
He has reeled in lots of recognition by capturing the hearts of youngsters, middle-agers and the elderly (Nan absolutely loves the show!)
All in all i reckon Brand and Ross need to be on our televisions and playing through our radios for a long time to come!

1 comment:

Sacha van Straten said...

Some interesting points Max.

There's a distinct generational gap in opinions on this story.

Older listeners have been offended, while younger ones can't see what the fuss is all about.

Personally, I think Ross should quit, as he's been milking the BBC and the public, who fund his lavish lifestyle, to the extent that he seems to think he's immune from any legal restraints.

I used t admire him but now I find myself thinking, 'Ah, a 48 year old man acting like a year 9. Get a life.'