Monday, 29 September 2008

Max's Media Week!

Media week!

Monday - Woke up and listened to Radio 1 whilst getting ready.
In the car listened to Radio 1 and a bit of Kiss 100.
Arrived at school and had Media Studies first period, used computer and watched YouTube.
Very media orientated lesson with my favourite teacher... Mr. Van Straten!
Read dramatical texts in Drama. AS drama book.
Radio 1 in car on way home.
Read some GQ and FHM at home and spent from 5-7 doing homework.
Rest of the evening was spent either on Facebook or listening to iTunes with the odd interval!

Tuesday - Woke up and again got ready with Radio 1 and listened to it in the car on way to school (this is what happens everyday!)
Arrived at school and listened to iPod for a bit whilst waiting for period 1... very sociable :
Came home and used computer for homework from 6-8.
Again listened to music and facebook.
YouTube used for any songs i don't have!

Wednesday - Following the trend, Radio 1 takes over the morning media!
Browse through The Times and The Guardian.
Arrived at school and had radio on in house room... Kiss Fm.
Arrived home and watched Desperate Housewives at 10pm for an hour.
Homework took place between 5-7 on computer and reading Antigone.

Thursday - RADIO 1 :
Used computers in library for drama research.
Computers in lessons.. photoshop, browsing internet.
At home read GQ and followed trend of using internet for homework from about 5-6!
Quite fortunate so not much homework and EVEN MORE time on Facebook, iTunes!

Friday - Guess what? Radio 1!
Used computers in school, again photoshop.
Read article in Guardian at lunchtime.
Listened to music on my iPod after school whilst waiting for lift for about 10 minutes.
Computer for an hour when home, music.. so iTunes!

Saturday - Homework in day on computer from 12-2.
Music on Saturday night at a party from around 8-12.

Sunday - Computer in morning for Facebook check!
Music playing throughout most of the day.. 10-4
Music in pub on Sunday evening for 2 hours.

1 comment:

Sacha van Straten said...

Hi Max.

Do you realise that your media consumption choices make you an advertiser's dream? You listen to Kiss, you read FHM and Q. You are clearly style conscious, interested in looking good and having the latest gear. And you're likely to have disposable income, as you'll be living at home, possibly earning money from a part-time job, getting supplementary funding from home, and probably you live in an affluent post code.

How often do you stop to reflect on whether or not you need 'stuff' before buying it? I reckon you're an impulse buyer. Is that true? And if so, how often are you persuaded to buy by advertising, or the desire to emulate what you've seen in TV shows?