Saturday, 29 November 2008


As a student studying both Media Studies and Photography at A-level, i have decided to scan some of my photography into my blog to add a new media dimension!
I am currently deciding on the shots i want to post at the moment, i'm aiming to have the uploaded next week some time and will probably include a bit of information about the shots.

Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, 27 November 2008

MaxAl Productions

Myself, Alex and Ali have formed MaxAl Productions, an organisational name to aid our coursework sequence.
Decisions have been difficult to make at the minute as we view different films and settings, potential characters and the resultant synopsises.
We found a new set to enquire into, the school chapel. We all think it'd fit in perfectly with our 'gangster' theme to add an eerie and mysterious tone!
Yesterday, me and Alex went and took some photos of the building to create a portfolio that we can look into showing the pros and cons.
The initial big decision was the tone of the piece, thriller or gangster?
We looked at some of the following videos to help us decide.



Monday, 17 November 2008

Russell Brand & Jonathon Ross

A topic which i have been quite excited to air my views on is the recent issue of Brand and Ross on Radio 2!
Being a much publicised issue in the media limelight and two characters that i like i thought it'd make a fitting post on my blog!
I really do admire Ross' success and sharp interviewing skills, he is very entertaining and can really make an interesting interview out of anyone whether it be on the radio or on television. Brand on the other hand (rhymed?!), this man in my eyes is the definition of comic genius... his sheer wit and clinical commenting makes him an extremely funny man!
Personal bias aside i really do think that the issue has been very unfair on Russell... Ross chirped into his show whilst Brand was on air and made the initial remark. Not Brand!
Although i really respect Jonathon Ross and i think the issue has been blown out of proportion i have to say the remark was out of order, the apology he has made should account for it now though after all of the drama and it's a shame to have him off the air.
Brand was a huge asset to Radio 2 in my eyes, he adds a different element to the show which really appeals to a whole new audience, one completely different to the stereotypical older ages!
He has reeled in lots of recognition by capturing the hearts of youngsters, middle-agers and the elderly (Nan absolutely loves the show!)
All in all i reckon Brand and Ross need to be on our televisions and playing through our radios for a long time to come!

In class update!

The last week or so has seen us as a class aim to edit our preliminary films. We've had the initial task of filming and subsequently spent a few days editing our short, basic pieces.
The purpose of this? We are now about to embark on filming, planning and editing a piece of coursework and we used this short task as an introduction, something useful to help us out!
My group and I have decided to go for a 'thriller' genre in our piece and have already sorted a location for the filming!
I'll keep you posted on the progress but for now it's all planning!

Monday, 29 September 2008

Max's Media Week!

Media week!

Monday - Woke up and listened to Radio 1 whilst getting ready.
In the car listened to Radio 1 and a bit of Kiss 100.
Arrived at school and had Media Studies first period, used computer and watched YouTube.
Very media orientated lesson with my favourite teacher... Mr. Van Straten!
Read dramatical texts in Drama. AS drama book.
Radio 1 in car on way home.
Read some GQ and FHM at home and spent from 5-7 doing homework.
Rest of the evening was spent either on Facebook or listening to iTunes with the odd interval!

Tuesday - Woke up and again got ready with Radio 1 and listened to it in the car on way to school (this is what happens everyday!)
Arrived at school and listened to iPod for a bit whilst waiting for period 1... very sociable :
Came home and used computer for homework from 6-8.
Again listened to music and facebook.
YouTube used for any songs i don't have!

Wednesday - Following the trend, Radio 1 takes over the morning media!
Browse through The Times and The Guardian.
Arrived at school and had radio on in house room... Kiss Fm.
Arrived home and watched Desperate Housewives at 10pm for an hour.
Homework took place between 5-7 on computer and reading Antigone.

Thursday - RADIO 1 :
Used computers in library for drama research.
Computers in lessons.. photoshop, browsing internet.
At home read GQ and followed trend of using internet for homework from about 5-6!
Quite fortunate so not much homework and EVEN MORE time on Facebook, iTunes!

Friday - Guess what? Radio 1!
Used computers in school, again photoshop.
Read article in Guardian at lunchtime.
Listened to music on my iPod after school whilst waiting for lift for about 10 minutes.
Computer for an hour when home, music.. so iTunes!

Saturday - Homework in day on computer from 12-2.
Music on Saturday night at a party from around 8-12.

Sunday - Computer in morning for Facebook check!
Music playing throughout most of the day.. 10-4
Music in pub on Sunday evening for 2 hours.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Media Studiessss

Currently in Media Studies lesson on Wednesday the 24th of September.
This is my first blog so probably the best oppurtunity to reflect on the lessons so far... i've really enjoyed them and my inrerest in the subject develops by the lesson :)
My homework for this week is to keep a 'media diary', where i jot down all media orientated activities that i participate in.
The homework was set on Monday and that day saw me go on the computer for a lengthy period and watch television (to give a couple of examples!) On the computer i spent most of my time on facebook, doing homework and listening to music on iTunes and YouTube.
When my 'media diary' is slightly longer i shall be posting it on here.
